
oath&oblation is a loose collection of a label that collects the different musical outputs of one person. i use different names for different projects, each with a different focus. oath&oblation is the overarching collective, but each project really is it's own thing -- i just use o&o for my own organization.

(w)resting place is a catch-all for any work that doesn't cleanly fall into one of the other projects, work on compilations, collaborations, etc. (w)resting place works are more open in scope, and aren't created under any particular restrictions other than the guidelines of where they'll eventually show up. there are also a few standalone (w)resting place releases that are outside the scopes of other projects. there's some harsh noise, some hnw, and some weirdness.

beholden is purely solo noise work. each album follows a particular theme, embodied in the one-word title. devoid of track names other than identifiers, the listener is invited to thumb through them in any order. oftentimes, beholden releases are created specifically to challenge the limits of the intended medium, be it tape, mini-cd, digital, etc.

Lamewing is mostly ambient synth noodling.

Achre is the name i use for more rule-guided work -- stuff that plays with neo-classical, stochastic ideas, algorithmic processes, etc. it's an extension of my long-term study of algorithmic composition and process music.

RITVAL NEGLECT is dark, black-ish drone noise work. it's really important to me, and has elements of ritual and observation. i'm calling it ritual drone.

woundfont is the name i use for a dedicated harsh noise wall project utilizing bytebeat programs as source audio, and using only bitcrushers and sample rate reducers as effects.

Keen Orator is a harsh noise wall project focusing on analog hardware and important moments in history.

0x828386 is □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ (hnw)

Dragon Wall is a Dragon Ball fan tribute drone noise wall project. for aesthetic reasons, the Dragon Wall project has its own bandcamp page

Swim, Brother is laid-back, trap-inspired tracks. snail trap.

smolgost is field recordings of emf radiation, vlf radio waves, and other generally 'silent' ephemera.

valley wren is warming crackle, for the times we need to rest.

Mahlon is harsh laptop noise, ala 2000s era Merzbow.